Tuesday 18 April 2017






COURSE         : BIT (1)



STUDENT NO :11038236

YEAR                : 2017


Table of Contents



1. Digital Access: full electronic investment in the public arena.

Full electronic participation in society, which includes helping to make sure everyone has equal access to technology and understands the limitations and drawbacks when this access is withheld. Development customers ought to realize that not everyone has a similar open entryways as to advancement. Advancing toward equal mechanized rights and supporting electronic get to is the starting phase of Digital Citizenship. Modernized dismissal makes it difficult to create as an overall population logically using these devices. Giving and develop access to advancement should be goal of each and every propelled subject. Customers need to recollect that there are some that may have limited get to, so unique resources ought to be given. Different examples related to digital access are as follows: Sending of an email is another form of digital access and the use of digital access in order to research information online. (Pierce, 2015)

2. Digital Commerce: electronic purchasing and offering of merchandise.

 Technology customers need to understand that a broad share of market economy is being done electronically. Honest to goodness and true blue exchanges are going on, yet the buyer or merchant ought to think about the issues related with it. The standard openness of Internet purchases of toys, clothing, cars, sustenance, et cetera has ended up being commonplace for a few customers. Meanwhile, a proportionate measure of stock and ventures which are in battle with the laws or morals of a couple of countries are surfacing (which may fuse works out, for instance, unlawful downloading, muck, and wagering). Customers need to get some answers concerning how to be suitable customers in another mechanized economy. Different examples related to commerce are Kijiji, EBay and Amazon which are used to purchase products online. (Library, 2016)

3. Digital Communication: electronic trade of data.

One of the tremendous changes inside the mechanized miracle is a man's ability to talk with different people. In the nineteenth century, sorts of correspondence were compelled. In the 21st century, correspondence decisions have exploded to offer a wide variety of choices (e.g., email, cell phones, messaging). The expanding propelled communication decisions have changed everything because people can keep in unfaltering communication with whatever other individual. Directly everyone has the opportunity to pass on and cooperate with anyone from wherever and at whatever time. Shockingly, various customers have not been told how to settle on fitting decisions when stood up to with such an expansive number of different propelled correspondence options. Different elements which are related to communication are video conferencing, Emailing and texting. (Bailey, 2007)

4. Digital Literacy: procedure of educating and finding out about innovation and the utilization of innovation.

While schools have gained incredible ground in the range of innovation implantation, much stays to be finished. A re-established centre must be made on what advances must be taught and in addition how it ought to be utilized. New advances are discovering their way into the work put that are not being utilized as a part of schools (e.g., Videoconferencing, internet sharing spaces, for example, wikis). What's more, labourers in a wide range of occupations need prompt data (in the nick of time data). This procedure requires refined looking and preparing abilities (i.e., data proficiency). Learners must be taught how to learn in a computerized society. As it were, learners must be taught to learn. Technology is playing an increasing role in the workplace and professionals are making use of videoconferencing services, as well as online data sharing spaces, to facilitate efficiency and information exchange. Therefore, it is critical that our society builds up digital literacy: as new technologies emerge, we must learn how to use them. (Tricia, 2016)

5. Digital Etiquette: electronic models of behaviour or technique.

Improvement clients reliably watch this area as a champion among the most squashing issues while managing Digital Citizenship. We see wrong lead when we see it, however before individuals use improvement they don't learn moved respect (i.e., sensible direct). Different individuals feel cumbersome conversing with others about their computerized lead. As often as possible tenets and headings are made or the improvement is as of late precluded to stop awkward utilize. It is insufficient to make gauges and strategy, we should instruct everybody to wind up reliable electronic nationals in this new society. Other examples related to Etiquette are appropriate conduct when online, not posting rude or harmful comments and lastly not texting during dinner.

6. Digital Law: electronic obligation regarding activities and deeds

Computerized law manages the morals of innovation inside a general public. Unscrupulous use shows itself in type of robbery and/or wrongdoing. Moral use shows itself through submitting to the laws of society. Clients need to comprehend that taking or making harm other individuals' work, personality, or property online is a wrongdoing. There are sure decides of society that clients should know in a moral society. These laws apply to any individual who works or plays on the web. Hacking into others data, downloading unlawful music, counterfeiting, making damaging worms, infections or making Trojan Horses, sending spam, or taking anybody's recognize or property is exploitative. Examples are hacking and also illegal downloading of music, documents, software and movies

7. Digital Rights and Responsibilities: those flexibilities stretched out to everybody in an advanced world.

In light of current circumstances as in the American Constitution where there is a Bill of Rights, there is a vital game plan of rights extended to each moved subject. Moved nationals have the preferred standpoint to security, free talk and so on. Basic electronic rights must be had a tendency to be, evaluated, and understood in the induced world. Having the rights and freedom to use all types of digital technology in an acceptable and appropriate manner. Different examples related to digital rights and responsibility is using online resources appropriately and using technology responsibly. (Ribble, 2008)

8. Digital Health and Wellness: physical and mental prosperity in an advanced innovation world.

The physical and psychological wellbeing of children in the digital world is a critical issue that keeps many parents awake at night. Childhood obesity is epidemic and a generation of children sitting in front of a computer screen is certainly not helping matters. Parents struggle with how to allow their children access to technology while protecting them from online predators and cyberbullying. Fortunately, awareness is on the increase as to how to protect children on both the physical and psychological fronts. I reiterate the point that I made early on in this series of packets - knowledge is power. It is the responsibility of parents and educators to understand the world in which children live, play and study, and they must guide them in being responsible digital citizens. (Brownwell, 2017)

Eye security, dull uneasiness issue, and sound ergonomic practices are issues that ought to be tended to in another creative world. Past the physical issues are those of the mental issues that are ending up being more normal, for instance, Internet propensity. Customers ought to be shown that there are inherent dangers of development. Electronic Citizenship consolidates a general public where development customers are instructed how to secure themselves through guideline and get ready. (Ribble, 2007)

9. Digital Security (self-assurance): electronic safeguards to ensure wellbeing.

Digital security is basically protecting yourself in the digital world - protecting your identity, your data, your money. While there are many publicized breaches of "secure" information featured regularly on the news, for most of us, a few simple steps can safeguard our cyber security. Backup data regularly. Create strong passwords and change passwords regularly. Be aware of internet scams and do not share information with anyone that you don't know. It is good to have a healthy dose of skepticism to keep yourself and your information secure. Different examples related to digital security is virus protection, backup of data (Brownwell, 2017)

In any overall population, there are individuals who take, decimate, or annoy different people. The same is legitimate for the propelled amass. It is inadequate to confide in various people in the gathering for our own particular security. In our own particular homes, we put bolts on our doors and fire cautions in our homes to give some level of confirmation. The same must be legitimate for the propelled security. We require disease security, fortifications of data, and surge control of our equipment. As careful nationals, we ought to shield our information from outside qualities that may realize intrusion or harm. (Ribble, 2007)


Economic Divide is manifested in the fact that some people can't afford to buy a computer. Although politicians always talk about digital divide but still, its growing more irrelevant with each passing day. Therefore it is very important to recognise that truly poor developing countries will remain of average citizens for 20 years or more. (Nelson.J, 2006).

Usability Divide is worse than the economic divide, the fact that technology remains so complicated that many people couldn’t use a computer even if they got one for free. Many others can use computers but don’t achieve the modern world benefits because most of the available services are too difficult for them to understand. Almost 40% of the population has lower literacy skills and yet few websites follow the guidelines for writing for low literacy users. Lower literacy is the web’s biggest accessibility problem, but no one cares about this massive user group. (E, 2007)

Empowerment Divide this is the hard one, even if computers the computers and the internet were extraordinarily easy to use, meaning not everybody would make full use of the opportunities that such technology affords. Participation inequality, participation through advanced searches has been a problem for most people. (Nelson.J, 2006).

According to Chen stated that “Social capital can be described as networks and value of relationships among people who live and work in particular society; enabling that society to function effectively. With the above explained, Social networks results in specific benefits such as trust, information and co-operation”. Social Capital creates value for people who are connected. The use of different social media platforms such as Facebook, Uber results not only in the building of social capital but also an increase in social and communication skills. (Chen.W, 2013)

Feeling connected and respected through engagement with others increase overall psychological wellbeing, while general digital literacy grows. Social capital brings about reduction in interaction costs. The expansion of market boundaries and the improved efficiency of information flows, and social capital in businesses brings about a massive competitive advantage, because products are sold and advertised online. This means that the more goods are sold online the revenue of the business will increase; therefore social capital does bring the difference in business and people. (Chen.W, 2013)

 According to the University of Minnesota stated that “Social Capital is the value that comes from social networks, or rather groupings of people which allow individuals to achieve things they couldn’t on their own’’. Below are some of the ways in which social capital can benefit communities (Minnesota, 2016)

Sharing Information and resources

·         Telling your neighbour about the delicious new pizza place downtown

·         Group of co-workers discussing weather forecasts over coffee

·         Door –to-door volunteers explains a candidates platform

·         A neighbourhood build a community garden together using shared tools.

Providing Assistance

·         A group of cancer survivors form an online support group together.

·         People drop their change into a charity donation jar at the checkout counter.

·         A church olds a garage sale to raise money for a local homeless shelter.

Establishing trust

·         A stranger returns a wallet after finding it in a restaurant.

·         A group of bowlers laugh together during their league game

·         A neighbour calls the police when something happens to once household while in vacation.




Question 2

Q.2.1. Solution Fluency means having the capacity to think in an inventive way keeping in mind the end goal to have the capacity to tackle issues, concocting a fitting arrangement, conveying the arrangement and finally asses the procedure and the outcome (Crockett, 2016). There are 6Ds that characterizes the arrangement familiarity handle, which include:

Define: For us to have the capacity to take care of an issue, first we should characterize what issue is it. You should discover what should be tackled and give out the correct setting of the issue.

Discover: In this stage, we investigate, accumulate data and break down what we precisely think about this issue. This will have the capacity to give us an appropriate setting of the issue and we will have the capacity to find it especially simpler.

Dream: Here we have an expectation or if nothing else wish that the arrangements that we have for our issues will work out the way we need them to. This is about working with our creative energy, representation and extrapolation.

Design: According to (Crockett, 2016) this is the workshop stage. The working of our answer begins being formed. This includes drafting our answers on a paper.

Deliver: This stage comprise of two stages, the deliver and distribute whereby in create we make a move for finishing our item and in distribute we display the arrangement that is proposed,

Debrief: this is the last stage where we begin to claim our learning. We will look on what we have fulfilled and what should be possible to enhance comparative circumstance later on.

Malamulele is a township outside Giyani, Limpopo. There are many graduates who are there sitting at home with capabilities and doing nothing consequently the business rate is low. The individuals who are sufficiently blessed can go outside the area and get utilized. There are organizations there however the issue is that they utilize individuals who have a specific years of experience and it makes it troublesome for the graduates to get utilized. As indicated by them, the experience is required more than the capability.

Thus, for my situation when I should handle all the six phases of solution fluency with terms of the unemployment rate in my general vicinity and I will utilize them all. In the Define stage, I should define what issue is it, what truly causes unemployment I will likewise research on what should be tackled so I can concoct a legitimate setting of the issue. In order to solve unemployment issue I strongly suggest the issue of black empowerment where people can start businesses of their own this can help decrease the rate of unemployment and produces jobs.

The discover stage I should direct an examination, gather all the data so as to find out about the unemployment in my general vicinity. This will bring about a legitimate setting of the unemployment in my general vicinity and I will have the capacity to find it particularly simpler. By finding out the number of all educated candidates we can be able to render a workshop whereby people can be educated about other ways to generate money for themselves.

I will utilize the dream stage, where I will have an expectation and wish that the arrangements that I have for the unemployment rate will work out the way I need them to. My creative energy, perception and extrapolation in this stage should be more dynamic. In the design stage the arrangements of my answer begins to be formed out. This includes drafting my answers on a printed copy or a soft copy.

Then deliver stage I should create by making a move for finishing my item and distribute what is available to the arrangement that is being proposed. I will approach different companies and government departments asking for funding for the campaign to help solve the issue of unemployment, the revenue accumulated will help assist those that are interested in starting their own businesses to begin. Ultimately is the question organize whereby I will begin to possess up on what I have learnt. I will look on what I have achieved and what I can accomplish more to enhance comparative circumstance later on.

Q.2.2 Digital footprints can be construed as trails that digital citizens leave online. Do you

Think that digital footprints could become a problem?  


A few people don't understand that what they say and do online can be seen by others. Governors, Senators, police, instructors, and other open authorities and workers have lost their employments because of their dangerous online conduct. Understudies have been commenced sports groups and level out of school for posting pictures of themselves doing or saying wrong things on the web. Some youngsters have even been captured and needed to enrol as sex guilty parties for sharing improper pictures over the Internet by means of PC and content informing. To make matters worse, one might not get into college or get a job as desired because of inappropriate pictures and video, posted online. Furthermore, once you post something online, it's difficult, if not impossible to get it back! Even if you take offensive material down, there are ways for companies to retrieve it. (Granvillecsd, 2015)

Q.2.3 Provide a few tips on how one can manage their digital footprint?

1. Protecting personal data:

ü  This can be done by not disclosing your personal address, phone number, passwords or bank card numbers.  It is best to consider using nickname instead of your real name.

2. Keep login info under lock and key:

ü  Never share any of your usernames or passwords with anyone.

3. Think before you post:

ü  Once something is posted, it can be difficult to remove.

4. Nix the pics:

ü  It is very important to post pictures which will not be questionable when employers search over the internet.

5. Google yourself:

ü  It is important to always search your name every few months. In order to check that no one has not tempered with the information.

6. Scale back on social media: 

ü  Keep the profiles you use frequently and delete any accounts you don't update often (Pfeffer, 2014)


Question 3

Things and how it will affect businesses in South Africa.

According to Bidgoli stated that “Internet of things refers to the physical objects that are connected to the internet and therefore, to all the other physical objects”. Like a smart refrigerator that signals when milk consumption period has expired. This means that by 2020, over 50 billion objects will be connected to the internet. There will be smart devices that are uniquely identified through IP addresses, RFIDs, QR codes or censors. The technology behind the internet of everything will facilitate, among other things, automated inventory systems in the retail industry, automated programmable appliances in domestic households, and road and bridge systems that will be able to detect a problem as soon as it occurs and notify the authorities. . (Bidgoli, 2016,P:156-159)

Consumers and businesses will give money by preserving energy when they control their room temperature onsite or remotely through smart devices, while companies will save time and money on labour due to automation. The internet of things could help solve many 21st –century special problem, such as hunger, water pollution, and adverse climate change and increasing energy cost. Most specific benefits could include people being able to take more effective preventive measures regarding their health by wearing sensor-embedded clothing that measures vital signs, the resulting data can be securely and quickly transmitted to doctors. . (Bidgoli, 2016,P:156-159)

Today many smart objects are currently on the market, such as: fifty's Bluetooth basketball, which can sense dribble force and shot angle, Nike Hyper dunk plus basketball shoes, which can tell the users how fast they are running and how high they are jumping; and under Armour Armour shirt, which can tell the users heart rate lung capacity. At this present moment these objects cannot be connected to one another, the disadvantaged part about this is that if all three of them were on one individual’s body, they would not be aware of each other’s existence. Therefore the internet of things should change this by creating connectivity and communication. . (Bidgoli, 2016,P:156-159)

Individuals, businesses, and governments around the globe will benefit from IoE technology, security, privacy, and reliability will play a major role in the success of this technology, as it does for any network. There needs to be close coordination and communication among these three key players to protect the privacy and integrity of information that is being shared on the global network. . (Bidgoli, 2016,P:162-163)