Tuesday 18 April 2017


Question 3

Things and how it will affect businesses in South Africa.

According to Bidgoli stated that “Internet of things refers to the physical objects that are connected to the internet and therefore, to all the other physical objects”. Like a smart refrigerator that signals when milk consumption period has expired. This means that by 2020, over 50 billion objects will be connected to the internet. There will be smart devices that are uniquely identified through IP addresses, RFIDs, QR codes or censors. The technology behind the internet of everything will facilitate, among other things, automated inventory systems in the retail industry, automated programmable appliances in domestic households, and road and bridge systems that will be able to detect a problem as soon as it occurs and notify the authorities. . (Bidgoli, 2016,P:156-159)

Consumers and businesses will give money by preserving energy when they control their room temperature onsite or remotely through smart devices, while companies will save time and money on labour due to automation. The internet of things could help solve many 21st –century special problem, such as hunger, water pollution, and adverse climate change and increasing energy cost. Most specific benefits could include people being able to take more effective preventive measures regarding their health by wearing sensor-embedded clothing that measures vital signs, the resulting data can be securely and quickly transmitted to doctors. . (Bidgoli, 2016,P:156-159)

Today many smart objects are currently on the market, such as: fifty's Bluetooth basketball, which can sense dribble force and shot angle, Nike Hyper dunk plus basketball shoes, which can tell the users how fast they are running and how high they are jumping; and under Armour Armour shirt, which can tell the users heart rate lung capacity. At this present moment these objects cannot be connected to one another, the disadvantaged part about this is that if all three of them were on one individual’s body, they would not be aware of each other’s existence. Therefore the internet of things should change this by creating connectivity and communication. . (Bidgoli, 2016,P:156-159)

Individuals, businesses, and governments around the globe will benefit from IoE technology, security, privacy, and reliability will play a major role in the success of this technology, as it does for any network. There needs to be close coordination and communication among these three key players to protect the privacy and integrity of information that is being shared on the global network. . (Bidgoli, 2016,P:162-163)

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