Tuesday 18 April 2017


Question 2

Q.2.1. Solution Fluency means having the capacity to think in an inventive way keeping in mind the end goal to have the capacity to tackle issues, concocting a fitting arrangement, conveying the arrangement and finally asses the procedure and the outcome (Crockett, 2016). There are 6Ds that characterizes the arrangement familiarity handle, which include:

Define: For us to have the capacity to take care of an issue, first we should characterize what issue is it. You should discover what should be tackled and give out the correct setting of the issue.

Discover: In this stage, we investigate, accumulate data and break down what we precisely think about this issue. This will have the capacity to give us an appropriate setting of the issue and we will have the capacity to find it especially simpler.

Dream: Here we have an expectation or if nothing else wish that the arrangements that we have for our issues will work out the way we need them to. This is about working with our creative energy, representation and extrapolation.

Design: According to (Crockett, 2016) this is the workshop stage. The working of our answer begins being formed. This includes drafting our answers on a paper.

Deliver: This stage comprise of two stages, the deliver and distribute whereby in create we make a move for finishing our item and in distribute we display the arrangement that is proposed,

Debrief: this is the last stage where we begin to claim our learning. We will look on what we have fulfilled and what should be possible to enhance comparative circumstance later on.

Malamulele is a township outside Giyani, Limpopo. There are many graduates who are there sitting at home with capabilities and doing nothing consequently the business rate is low. The individuals who are sufficiently blessed can go outside the area and get utilized. There are organizations there however the issue is that they utilize individuals who have a specific years of experience and it makes it troublesome for the graduates to get utilized. As indicated by them, the experience is required more than the capability.

Thus, for my situation when I should handle all the six phases of solution fluency with terms of the unemployment rate in my general vicinity and I will utilize them all. In the Define stage, I should define what issue is it, what truly causes unemployment I will likewise research on what should be tackled so I can concoct a legitimate setting of the issue. In order to solve unemployment issue I strongly suggest the issue of black empowerment where people can start businesses of their own this can help decrease the rate of unemployment and produces jobs.

The discover stage I should direct an examination, gather all the data so as to find out about the unemployment in my general vicinity. This will bring about a legitimate setting of the unemployment in my general vicinity and I will have the capacity to find it particularly simpler. By finding out the number of all educated candidates we can be able to render a workshop whereby people can be educated about other ways to generate money for themselves.

I will utilize the dream stage, where I will have an expectation and wish that the arrangements that I have for the unemployment rate will work out the way I need them to. My creative energy, perception and extrapolation in this stage should be more dynamic. In the design stage the arrangements of my answer begins to be formed out. This includes drafting my answers on a printed copy or a soft copy.

Then deliver stage I should create by making a move for finishing my item and distribute what is available to the arrangement that is being proposed. I will approach different companies and government departments asking for funding for the campaign to help solve the issue of unemployment, the revenue accumulated will help assist those that are interested in starting their own businesses to begin. Ultimately is the question organize whereby I will begin to possess up on what I have learnt. I will look on what I have achieved and what I can accomplish more to enhance comparative circumstance later on.

Q.2.2 Digital footprints can be construed as trails that digital citizens leave online. Do you

Think that digital footprints could become a problem?  


A few people don't understand that what they say and do online can be seen by others. Governors, Senators, police, instructors, and other open authorities and workers have lost their employments because of their dangerous online conduct. Understudies have been commenced sports groups and level out of school for posting pictures of themselves doing or saying wrong things on the web. Some youngsters have even been captured and needed to enrol as sex guilty parties for sharing improper pictures over the Internet by means of PC and content informing. To make matters worse, one might not get into college or get a job as desired because of inappropriate pictures and video, posted online. Furthermore, once you post something online, it's difficult, if not impossible to get it back! Even if you take offensive material down, there are ways for companies to retrieve it. (Granvillecsd, 2015)

Q.2.3 Provide a few tips on how one can manage their digital footprint?

1. Protecting personal data:

ü  This can be done by not disclosing your personal address, phone number, passwords or bank card numbers.  It is best to consider using nickname instead of your real name.

2. Keep login info under lock and key:

ü  Never share any of your usernames or passwords with anyone.

3. Think before you post:

ü  Once something is posted, it can be difficult to remove.

4. Nix the pics:

ü  It is very important to post pictures which will not be questionable when employers search over the internet.

5. Google yourself:

ü  It is important to always search your name every few months. In order to check that no one has not tempered with the information.

6. Scale back on social media: 

ü  Keep the profiles you use frequently and delete any accounts you don't update often (Pfeffer, 2014)

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